(too old to reply)
Herbert Von Coont E Flapper
2012-02-27 04:08:01 UTC
Wheres that Eyan coont effed off too ?

Love xxxxx
Ivor Hugeboner
2012-03-12 18:20:24 UTC
Post by Herbert Von Coont E Flapper
Wheres that Eyan coont effed off too ?
He's attending a fortnight long "Elton John Fan Club" do in Brighton, I

Should be mincing her way back to us anytime soon.
Elton Johnn
2012-03-12 20:12:18 UTC
Post by Ivor Hugeboner
Post by Herbert Von Coont E Flapper
Wheres that Eyan coont effed off too ?
He's attending a fortnight long "Elton John Fan Club" do in Brighton, I
Should be mincing her way back to us anytime soon.
I doubt it sweetie. Eyan has her mouth full at the moment ....... and will
be busy on her knees for a few days or more, or at least until her mam's
caravan is paid for.
True Blue
2012-03-12 20:56:57 UTC
Post by Herbert Von Coont E Flapper
Wheres that Eyan coont effed off too ?
Love xxxxx
38 degrees in the shade here ... & getting hotter ....local "summer" just
starting. all the p'ship games are available live here ( HOW the feck can
they do this, when I couldn't access this in England !!?) , downside is
that we are 8 hours ahead of UK time. Saturday games are a good laugh, with
loads of UK tourists in the bars here. Midweek games are a pain ..... an
8pm kick-off is at 04.00.a.m. here. Bars half empty after 3am. ... but
everything open 24 hours whatever. Beer works out at around 28p to almost a
quid a bottle ... depending on what "type" of bar you drink in ( go-go-bars
or non-dancing bars) .... around 11p a bottle in the local supermarkets.

missing intelligent conversation ..... the "tourists" that come here are
usually here for around 2 weeks & are, in general, NOT here for any kind of
an intelligent conversation ... :-(

Greetings from far away.

All the best. AB.
2012-03-14 19:37:19 UTC
38 degrees in the shade here ... & getting hotter ....local "summer"
just starting. all the p'ship games are available live here ( HOW the
feck can they do this, when I couldn't access this in England !!?) ,
downside is that we are 8 hours ahead of UK time. Saturday games are a
good laugh, with loads of UK tourists in the bars here. Midweek games
are a pain ..... an 8pm kick-off is at 04.00.a.m. here. Bars half empty
after 3am. ... but everything open 24 hours whatever. Beer works out at
around 28p to almost a quid a bottle ... depending on what "type" of bar
you drink in ( go-go-bars or non-dancing bars) .... around 11p a bottle
in the local supermarkets.
missing intelligent conversation ..... the "tourists" that come here are
usually here for around 2 weeks & are, in general, NOT here for any kind
of an intelligent conversation ... :-(
Greetings from far away.
All the best. AB.
Are you over there for a new £5 wife then?

Watch you don't get yourself one of them lady-boys..... could be
embarrasing if the lads down the BNP get-togethers find out!
Eyan The Mackem (oo)
2012-03-25 23:13:22 UTC
38 degrees in the shade here ... & getting hotter ....local "summer"
just starting. all the p'ship games are available live here ( HOW the
feck can they do this, when I couldn't access this in England !!?) ,
downside is that we are 8 hours ahead of UK time. Saturday games are a
good laugh, with loads of UK tourists in the bars here. Midweek games
are a pain ..... an 8pm kick-off is at 04.00.a.m. here. Bars half empty
after 3am. ... but everything open 24 hours whatever. Beer works out at
around 28p to almost a quid a bottle ... depending on what "type" of bar
you drink in ( go-go-bars or non-dancing bars) .... around 11p a bottle
in the local supermarkets.
missing intelligent conversation ..... the "tourists" that come here are
usually here for around 2 weeks & are, in general, NOT here for any kind
of an intelligent conversation ... :-(
Greetings from far away.
All the best. AB.
Are you over there for a new £5 wife then?

Watch you don't get yourself one of them lady-boys..... could be
embarrasing if the lads down the BNP get-togethers find out!


Careful Nellie lad :) snigger
Eyan The Mackem (oo)
2012-03-25 23:12:16 UTC
Post by Herbert Von Coont E Flapper
Wheres that Eyan coont effed off too ?
Love xxxxx
38 degrees in the shade here ... & getting hotter ....local "summer" just
starting. all the p'ship games are available live here ( HOW the feck can
they do this, when I couldn't access this in England !!?) , downside is
that we are 8 hours ahead of UK time. Saturday games are a good laugh, with
loads of UK tourists in the bars here. Midweek games are a pain ..... an
8pm kick-off is at 04.00.a.m. here. Bars half empty after 3am. ... but
everything open 24 hours whatever. Beer works out at around 28p to almost a
quid a bottle ... depending on what "type" of bar you drink in ( go-go-bars
or non-dancing bars) .... around 11p a bottle in the local supermarkets.

missing intelligent conversation ..... the "tourists" that come here are
usually here for around 2 weeks & are, in general, NOT here for any kind of
an intelligent conversation ... :-(

Greetings from far away.

All the best. AB.


If I send u a tenner will you sort me two fucks ?
True Blue
2012-03-28 04:52:36 UTC
Post by Eyan The Mackem (oo)
If I send u a tenner will you sort me two fucks ?
Just do wot yer usually do. But, this time use yer LEFT hand ...... then
yer can imagine that it's somebody else.

Enjoy, yer sad twat.

Hehehehehehe !
True Blue
2012-03-28 05:01:11 UTC
Post by Eyan The Mackem (oo)
If I send u a tenner will you sort me two fucks ?
Naaaaaah ...... send £13.20 & I'll do a 3-hour stint with 2 ov 'em, just
for you. I'll even describe how good they were, just for you.

In fact, send us £14 .... then I can have a cold beer & a curry to follow.

Thinking about you ..... & missing England. ( errrrrrrrrm NOT !!!! )

Hehehehehehehehehehe !!!!!

ps. did yers enjoy the game last night luv ? I did. :-)
