Post by PaulYour title for this thread is "Predictable" so I just decided
to show how easy and predictable Tappy is. You couldn't have
responded any better.
You claiming to speak on behalf of "everyone" when giving your
personal opinions tells me all I need to know. The reason you
respond so aggressively and utilize profanity is that you
actually are a lonely old man (and not a very accomplished or
well-educated one) who is desperate for attention.
Here we go again, Paul the snob rises to the fore, I have more money than
you, I am better educated than you so therefore I know everything there is
to know - of course Paul
Profanity?? "And as you wank away in your bathroom" - I think you might have
written that Paul. Once again selective memory syndrome.
Post by PaulIf you actually went to Mags games I might have a little more
respect for you........
And if you actually knew anything about anything, especially football, you
might, just might have, gained a little creedence from others here.
Bordeaux - remember them?
Do you remember looking at a pre-season league table, and coming to the
conclusion that it was current, even though no teams had any points, no
games had been played and it was IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER. You sound real
Now don't come back with details of your degree, or your pilot's liscence,
or ant other details from your Walter Mitty existence - no one gives a shit
So now I'm an old man, before you thought I was a young boy. Just where do
you sexual preferences lie? Maybe you like both?
Whichever way you lean, why do you stalk me? Have I got under your skin that
much, I certainly hope so?
Predicatble, yes that's the title of the post. Eyan I knew would
respond,.and you - I knew if I kept throwing bait, Paul the voyeur would
eventually take it. I own you Paul. You just cant resist the the temptation
to take a pop. Keep it up.
Bordeaux - remember them? Just in case you have forgotten what you read 10
seconds ago.
Waffle Waffle Waffle
Bite Bite Bite
Snigger Snigger Snigger