(too old to reply)
Ghost Of Tappy
2012-06-06 08:25:49 UTC
Pilot announces that the aircraft has only ten minutes fuel left and will
crash in to the sea, so all passengers should prepare themselves as there is
no hope of reaching land.

A woman stand up, takes all he clothes off and shouts "I don't want to die
like this, I want to die feeling like a woman should. Is there a man here
who can make me feel like a woman before we all perish?"

Geordie sitting behind her stands up, takes of his shirt and hands it to
her. "Here you are luv, iron this."
2012-06-06 17:04:55 UTC
Post by Ghost Of Tappy
Pilot announces that the aircraft has only ten minutes fuel left and will
crash in to the sea, so all passengers should prepare themselves as there
is no hope of reaching land.
A woman stand up, takes all he clothes off and shouts "I don't want to die
like this, I want to die feeling like a woman should. Is there a man here
who can make me feel like a woman before we all perish?"
Geordie sitting behind her stands up, takes of his shirt and hands it to
her. "Here you are luv, iron this."
LOL I thought Geordies didn't wear shirts.... least not the ones I have seen
watching the Toon Footie fans hehe
Ghost Of Tappy
2012-06-06 17:44:53 UTC
Post by TTman
Post by Ghost Of Tappy
Pilot announces that the aircraft has only ten minutes fuel left and will
crash in to the sea, so all passengers should prepare themselves as there
is no hope of reaching land.
A woman stand up, takes all he clothes off and shouts "I don't want to
die like this, I want to die feeling like a woman should. Is there a man
here who can make me feel like a woman before we all perish?"
Geordie sitting behind her stands up, takes of his shirt and hands it to
her. "Here you are luv, iron this."
LOL I thought Geordies didn't wear shirts.... least not the ones I have
seen watching the Toon Footie fans hehe
Well at least they know what their lass is up to when they're at the match.

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