2013-01-22 05:54:46 UTC
Been keeping an eye on things and enjoying the climb up the table. Still a
ways to go. Was looking for where that Newcastle team was and almost broke
that scroll thingee on my computer mouse trying to find them. Sure hope
they don't go down again as I still have nightmares of the last time.
Middle aged men, fat and half naked, wringing their hands and crying while
watching the final seconds tick off a dying season. Little children all
dressed in black and white trembling and crying, wondering what would happen
to them. Terrible thing to see.
ways to go. Was looking for where that Newcastle team was and almost broke
that scroll thingee on my computer mouse trying to find them. Sure hope
they don't go down again as I still have nightmares of the last time.
Middle aged men, fat and half naked, wringing their hands and crying while
watching the final seconds tick off a dying season. Little children all
dressed in black and white trembling and crying, wondering what would happen
to them. Terrible thing to see.